Beetroot Microgreens 20gm
Beetroot Microgreens 20gmHealth Benefits:
- Fights Cancer
- Removes fatigue and releases high energy hormones
- Controls cholesterol and blood sugar
- Reduces sign of ageing
- Fights dandruff and Hair fall
Green Mustard Microgreens 30gm
Green Mustard Microgreens 30gmHealth Benefits:
- Reduces risk of Breast Cancer
- Treats Diabetes
- Acts as an Anti-ageing agent
- Fights cholesterol
- Helps controlling Kidney problems
Pea Shoot Microgreens 30gm
Pea Shoot Microgreens 30gmHealth Benefits:
- Helps in weight management
- Increases body energy levels
- Controls wrinkles and ageing process
- Prevents constipation
- Helps in blood sugar regulation
Radish Pink Microgreens 30gm
Radish Pink Microgreens 30gmHealth Benefits:
- Great Anti-oxidant
- Helps detoxify the body
- Helps prevent Cancer
- Radiates skin glow effects
- Fuels in energy for the body helps burn fat
Sunflower Microgreens 50gm
Sunflower Microgreens 50gmHealth Benefits:
- Boosts fertility
- Prevents Cancer
- Purifies Blood
- Lowers Blood pressure
- Helps reduce Heart disease
- Reduces cholesterol
- Helps reduce type 2 Diabetes
Wheat Grass Microgreens 50gm
Wheat Grass Microgreens 50gmHealth Benefits:
- Prevents and Treats Cancer
- Boosts immune system and metabolism
- Reduces cholesterol
- Lowers Blood pressure
- Helps with Digestion
- Helps with Diabetes and Arthritis